Around half of the homes we manage have electric or gas fires in addition to the main source of heating, which is mostly gas central heating (there are some exceptions).

Fitting these secondary sources of heating is not something that landlords are required to do, so we have been doing this at no extra cost to tenants.

By discontinuing the service, we would save an estimated £170,000 (including the costs of removal and making good). This is money we can use towards other key areas, meaning better quality and value for customers in the longer term.

What happens now?

We will no longer be carrying out work to fires that are faulty or need replacing.

We will work through any gas or electric fires that are already booked-in to be repaired or replaced. We will also continue to maintain fires that are still under the manufacturer’s warranty.

If your secondary gas or electric fire is not working, you should still report it to us. We will arrange to remove the fire and you can choose from some options on what you’d prefer to happen to the fireplace. There is no charge to you for any of these options.

  • We remove the fire and leave the fireplace as it is – You simply apply for a permit to have your own fire fitted by a suitable contractor.
  • We will remove the fire, cover the area with plasterboard and paint the wall the fire was attached to.
  • We will remove the fire and either cover the opening with plasterboard and paint or fit panelling to the fireplace opening.