We’re excited to be installing 70 nesting boxes at properties in Allenton to help the endangered swift population, which is on the UK Red List of birds of highest conservation concern.  

The boxes are being installed on the cast-iron properties in Allenton, which are currently receiving energy efficiency upgrades, thanks to the support of the Governments Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund. 

50 of the boxes will sit flush in the new, external insulation layer, whilst a further 20 will be fixed to the outside of the rendering on the properties. 

Our staff have carried a lot of research to see where most nests have been identified. They’ve been working closely with Action for Swifts, who have also supplied the boxes. The majority will be fitted on houses in Ashby Street.  

The swift population has sadly declined in Derbyshire due to the loss of nesting sites, so creating new homes for them is vital. Houses across the county have had their draughty holes plugged because of much-needed improvements to energy efficiency. Sadly, this means their nest sites were blocked too.  

Across the UK, RSPB members and volunteers are protecting existing nest sites and providing new ones. This includes installing nest boxes in church towers, homes and working with local authorities to make sure Swifts are considered when planning new housing.  

Let’s hope the birds will use the boxes and return to them every year to raise a new generation of chicks. We’ll keep you to date on how well the project is going.