What is a stock condition survey?

Stock condition surveys look at the condition of homes to help us asses the life span and plan upgrades for things like:

  • Doors
  • Windows
  • Roofs
  • Kitchens
  • Bathrooms
  • Heating systems
  • Boilers
  • Electrics

Why we are doing this

The government expects us to make sure the information we hold is up to date, accurate and make sure your home matches the governments Decent Homes Standard. One way to do this is hiring an independent company to carry out stock condition surveys. 

We're hiring a company to carry out these checks on half of our properties. We already hold a lot of information, but by employing an independent company to carry out these checks, we will be able to say with some certainty, that the information we hold is accurate.

What will happen

The external company will choose properties that will be surveyed, to make sure we have a representative amount of all property types. If you are selected, you will receive a letter from us with what to expect and who you should expect to be visiting. They will normally visit within two months of you receiving the letter. You won't need to arrange an appointment. 

The surveyors will carry ID to confirm they are who they say they are. If in doubt, you should call us to check they are legitimate.

The surveyor is only there to carry out the stock condition survey. They don't work for us so you wont be able to report any outstanding repairs to them. You should report any outstanding repairs directly to us.