We have been recognised by the Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance (DAHA) with a national accreditation for our safe and effective response to domestic abuse. 

As part of the process, assessors interviewed staff from across the organisation. They concluded that we demonstrated a commitment to embedding good practice in response to domestic abuse and to adopting the values and principles of the Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance.

What does this mean for tenants? 

The accreditation shows our continued commitment to residents facing domestic abuse. Awareness of domestic abuse is embedded in staff working across all areas of Derby Homes, thanks to regular training and messaging. 

We have shown that we identify instances of abuse, take action to prevent it, and give support to survivors. We are the first Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance accredited provider in the county.

Keeping our residents safe, giving them confidence to find support and feeling safe is a priority for the council. We recognise that domestic abuse devastates lives, and we are working to put a stop to it amongst residents and employees. 

Our work does not stop with this accreditation. We constantly review our practices and work with partner organisations to facilitate our own learning to continually improve the work we do.

Reporting domestic abuse

If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, then please call the police on 999 or for non-emergencies 101.

You can also get advice, read our approach and support through our website.