It was a busy Dignity Day as our residents, community partners and staff all took part in activities to uphold people's rights to dignity and provide a truly memorable day for people who use care services.

Our Parkland View residents discussed what dignity means to them and raised awareness of the importance of dignity in care. 

Staff carried out an interactive activity based on the existing indoor bowling session yesterday. Each bowl had a ‘Dignity Do’ quote and residents expressed what it meant to them. The session was well received and ended with all having a brew and some cake!

One resident's quote was:
‘Act to alleviate people’s loneliness and isolation’. She then mentioned that ‘Covid has been tough on people, however I’m reassured in knowing that Derby Homes promotes social inclusion and offer lots of great social activities here at Parkland.'
Meanwhile elsewhere three groups who use our Derby Homes Community Rooms received a Community Respect Award hosted at the Better Together Café in the city centre.

The winners were:
• Project Derby, a local food bank and community pantry in the Arboretum.
• Safe and Sound, providing one to one support to victims of exploitation.
• St Phillips Church, a community church open to all for support and guidance.

The Community Respect award recognises community and voluntary sector organisations within Derby, which demonstrate ongoing commitment to delivering dignified services.

And finally, our Safeguarding & Compliance Manager/ Complex Needs Manager Bobby Howe was part of a video that celebrated the staff who go the extra mile for people in their care. 
Derby Safeguarding Adults Board asked our partners in the city what dignity means to them, and this is what they told us. It’s the little things that make a big difference.