We are delighted that the work of the Safe Space Partnership, supporting homeless and vulnerable people in the City, has been recognised in the Local Government Chronicle (LGC) Achievement Awards 2022.

The Safe Space Partnership, established in 2019 comprises Derby Homes (on behalf of Derby City Council), The Police and Crime Commission for Derbyshire and Derbyshire Constabulary and aims to reduce rough sleeping and levels of anti-social behaviour and the impact of substance misuse within the City Centre.

The Safe Space, based on Normanton Road, is delivered, on behalf of the Partnership, by Derby City Mission.

‘Safe Space’ provides basic shelter and support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to identified rough sleepers and other vulnerable people in the city. 

It’s a welcoming space where those without a home can have their health needs met and where they can rest and recover safely.

Staff provide access to simple food and water, bathing facilities , support, advice, advocacy and work with people to take the necessary steps to secure and maintain a home of their own and works on a referral basis.

Since launch in March 2019 (at Nov 2021):

  • 93% drop in ASB dispersals in city centre.
  • 61% reduction in arrests linked to the street community/rough sleepers.
  • 77% reduction in rough sleeping numbers (from 37 in 2017 to just six in Autumn 2020).
  • 97% reduction in Accident and Emergency attendances/999 calls for an ambulance by/for the cohort.

Outcomes for individuals

 Of 116 individuals who accessed Safe Space in the first six months of opening:

  • 85% are now in settled accommodation.
  • None remain rough sleeping.

 The partnership has been shortlisted in the Housing Category. LGC editor Nick Golding has reflected that, “Those recognised by being shortlisted for the LGC Awards 2022 have worked tirelessly and innovatively to find new ways of supporting their communities through difficult times.” 

 Councillor Roy Webb, Cabinet Member for Adults, Health and Housing said: 

 “Everyone connected to Safe Space should feel very proud and I’d like to wish them all the very best on Wednesday at the awards.

 “Safe Space is now in its third year and it continues to have a huge impact in the city, with a reduction in rough sleeping numbers, arrests linked to the street community and emergency calls.

 “Having visited the service on a number of occasions you can see how dedicated all the staff are there. We have a responsibility to help vulnerable people and Safe Space does just that.”

 The LGC Awards recognise and celebrate cutting-edge innovations by local public servants.  Winners will be announced on 20 July 2022.